Amazon ranching CATTLE RANCHING Amazon ranching

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Cattle ranching is one of the most destructive and pointless causes of deforestation. Once land is cleared, grasses will grow for only two or three years before it becomes too degraded to support species suitable for grazing. Scientists estimate the rancher will get about $60 from an acre of land (for two or three years) whereas sustainable use of the forest (rubber tapping, harvest of natural products, tourism, etc.) can provide $2,400 per acre, indefinitely. In the western lowlands of Amazonian Peru, most of the meat is consumed locally or sent to cities within Peru. The notorious "hamburger connection" (cattle being raised to reduce the cost of hamburgers in the U.S.) is not strong here. (This cause of deforestation is more serious in Central American rainforests.)

Click below for ranching photos and natural history information:

grazing cows photo grazing cows

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