Logging is among the most destructive economic activities because it directly destroys habitat upon which
animals depend. Favored trees include teak, mahogany and kapok. It receives a lot of bad publicity
because it is an obvious and direct cause of rainforest destruction. Industrial-scale clear-cutting
(removal of all trees in an area, see Clear-cutting), is the worst offender as it completely
changes the habitat and the forest will take centuries to recover, if ever. Usually, little of the
proceeds from the sale of logs remains in the country of origin, especially if unprocessed lumber
is exported to industrialized countries. Hence it is wise to avoid products made from tropical wood
unless it has been produced sustainably. With small-scale logging trees are selectively moved with
little harm to the forest, and the logs are often processed locally. This system is less harmful,
and if sustainably practiced, can provide local people and their government with a long-term income.