The Amazon it is a place of such enormity, so intensely grasping our imaginations, that one does not need to travel there for inspiration. We know this by the interest children show in the Amazon. As part of my educational outreach I regularly give slide presentations to children at schools, museums and civic organisations. Here is artwork they have contributed for the Jungle Photos web site. Please contact me you would like your artwork presented here. My long-term aim is to take the best pieces and to sell them as greeting cards, calendars, etc. to various organisations. This will be a non-profit venture with proceeds going entirely to rainforest conservation programs. |
Click below to see the larger images and information on the children's artwork:
In September 2000 I gave a presentation to third-graders at St. Thomas More School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to discuss with the children what they had been learning in class about the Amazon rainforest. Here are some of the thank you cards I received from the children following my presentation. |