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Galapagos sea mammalsGALAPAGOS SEA MAMMALSGalapagos sea mammals

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What majesty hides beneath the mysterious waves! Among the numerous marine mammals to visit the Galapagos, or make them home, are the largest animals ever to live on Earth. If you visit the islands, and are lucky — very lucky — you may glimpse the blue whale. However, your chances are very good to see at least one other type of whale, perhaps Minke or Bryde's whale. Because they roam so widely, cetaceans cannot be considered endemic to the Galapagos, but its two pinniped species are found nowhere else. Without doubt you will see Galapagos sea lions, which are the most populous sea mammal in the archipelago. If you visit James Island (Santiago) you'll see the fur seal, descended from Arctic relatives, and apparently uncomfortable at equatorial latitudes. Whatever animals you do see, to experience the abundance and of the Galapagos' underwater inhabitants is a memory that lasts forever.

Click below for sea mammal photos and natural history information:

dolphin bowriding photo dolphins leaping photo dolphins

sealion underwater photo sealion yawning photo sea lions 1

sealion pup photo sealion rear flippers photo sea lions 2

furseal sleeping photo fur seal

Coming soon: whales

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