Jungle Photos FAQs
Frequently asked questions about Jungle Photos.
Your interest is welcome. If you're looking for photos or information please search Jungle Photos first. If you have a specific question, please read below carefully to ensure your question is answered. If your question is not answered, please contact Jungle Photos. If you have specific suggestions, you are invited to complete our on-line survey. We respond to all e-mail enquiries.
These are the most frequently questions regarding the Jungle Photos website. Specific questions regarding the Amazon rainforest, Galapagos Islands or Africa should be submitted directly through the contact page.
Common Questions
Can I use Jungle Photos images?
Jungle Photos images are subject to international and U.S. copyright law (see next question) and must not
be used without permission. In most instances, permission is granted for use of five (5) photos in case of
"Fair Use." This is limited non-profit use such as for educational purposes including school
projects, classroom use, homework or study assignments by teachers and students. Non-profit institutional
use that is consistent with Jungle Photos mission and goals will be regarded favorably and will be treated
on a case-by-case basis. Institutions must obtain written permission for any use. For any use whatsoever,
permission must be obtained by sending an email to Jungle Photos. Commercial use of any content including
images and written material in any manner is strictly prohibited without a licensing agreement. (Please
contact Jungle Photos for details.) For more information please read the Terms of Use page.
What are Jungle Photos' copyright rules?
All written and pictorial content is protected by copyright, including, but not limited to text, photographs,
images, artwork, layout and site architecture. Any use of content that is not consistent with "Fair Use"
(as described above) without written permission is prohibited. Read the Terms of Use
for more information.
Where can I get help with my homework/project/assignment?
Jungle Photos provides extensive resources for help with student projects. Photos and text can be used subject
to the copyright requirements indicated above. Limited help is offered on specific topics as a free service to
students and teachers. Join JPUG, the Jungle Photos User Group supported by Yahoo!, to swap information for
homework, projects and study groups. Click here to join
Where can I get lesson plans to help with my class?
In keeping with our educational mission, Jungle Photos will be offering lesson plans on a variety of topics.
We will develop lesson plans but presently do not have any available. Presently, the teachers' resources
pages in each section have a collection of links to websites with lesson plans.
I'm having technical difficulties. How can I find out if there's a problem with Jungle Photos?
Please email us with a brief description of the problem. It may be a temporary problem, or an error such as a
broken link. We greatly appreciate if you write to let us know about problems with the web site.
How can I support Jungle Photos?
As a non-profit organization, Jungle Photos relies on donations from visitors like you. You can donate via
Donate via paypal or amazon.com honor system. (Scroll to the bottom of the Jungle Photos Home page. Your donation is much
appreciated and all proceeds go directly to maintaining and improve the site. Jungle Photos does not
directly sell retail products or advertising space. We receive a small commission from Google ads and
selling amazon.com products through a third-party vendor. Purchasing items through Jungleshopping
helps to support Jungle Photos. Please visit the Support Jungle Photos page for more
How can I stay in touch with what's happening with Jungle Photos?
Jungle Journal is the personal blog of Roger Harris, creator and owner of Jungle Photos. Visit the blog to
keep up on developments to the site. You can join JPUG, the Jungle Photos User Group supported by Yahoo! to
share your ideas, issues and comments with other Jungle Photos users. It's a good place to swap information
for homework, projects and study groups.
View Jungle Journal

Click to join JPUG: The Jungle Photos User Group
Less Common Questions
What kinds of products do you sell?
Jungle Photos mission is to inspire conservation through education. Therefore, we sell products only to
support the mission. In this sense, Jungle Photos is not a "commercial" site. Jungle Photos does sell
a wide range of products in association with Amazon.com but we do not carry any unique products. We sell
royalty-free licensing rights for images to be used for commercial purposes. Please contact us if you have
questions regarding licensing of Jungle Photos images.
Can I use Jungle Photos images to make items for gifts or other products?
Use of all images is subject to our Terms of Use. Limited personal use is permitted
but images are not to be used for resale or to promote commercial products in any way. Examples of personal use
would be to make a framed print, bookmark, report cover or similar items. To use images for gift items, you can use
a popular on-line photo resource. Again, please respect copyright laws and request permission for any usage.
Why are some of the additional information pages incomplete?
In May 2005, Jungle Photos transitioned from a frames-based site with content primarily on the Amazon
rainforest to a CSS-based site with photos and information from Africa and the Galapagos Islands as well
as the Amazon. We are still researching the information for a number of the topics introduced by the
photos. Join JPUG, the Jungle Photos User
Group supported by Yahoo! and visit the Jungle Journal to keep up to date on when additional pages are
(Summary of changes and improvements with the upgrade)
What are future plans for Jungle Photos?
The immediate plans for Jungle Photos focus on debugging and building
content. The site's architecture is designed to make the site easily expandable so besides new photos and
information on the existing sub-domains, we may add geographic regions, such as Patagonia or Europe. Within
the present site, additional interactive features are planned such as on-line games, quizzes and crosswords.
As content matures, and the Jungle Photos user base grows, we plan to move to a more commercial business
model. The goals and mission of Jungle Photos will remain but we are planning to develop multiple revenue
streams in order to fund future growth. The aim is to provide our visitors with a better experience, more
information and resource support, and to build partnerships with conservation organizations.
Unusual Questions
What can I do if pages load slowly?
Jungle Photos is designed to work well even if you have a slow internet connection. However, the site will
work best if you have a high speed internet connection such as DSL or cable modem. If you have a dial up (56K
or slower) connection, a page with two or three images will take up to a minute to load, and if the connection is
broken you will need to start again.
Have you won any awards?
Jungle Photos has not yet won any awards. The present goal is to focus on building content and brand
recognition and to implement a systematic marketing plan. We'd be delighted if you'd like to nominate Jungle
Photos for an award, but please let us know.
How did you make this website?
This website has been five years in the making, and continues to grow and improve. If you want to learn about
details of photography and website creation, please visit the Technical Notes page.
Please let us know if you have any ideas for improving this page! Send us your suggestions for more FAQs: contact Jungle Photos.
"The important thing is not to stop questioning."
Albert Einstein