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Tabatinga is Brazil's westernmost town on the Amazon River. Its population is around 5,000 and it is continuous with Leticia, Colombia. There is no formal border between the two countries and the transition from one town to the other is virtually unnoticeable, except the language of shop signs changes to Portuguese.

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Tabatinga market (1)

Tabatinga market (2)


Tabatinga market photo

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Tabatinga's original market, featured in these images, has been demolished and replaced by a more functional concrete building. Goods for sale include fruits and nuts (Brazil nuts of course!), fish, vegetables, rice, sugar and a host of general goods such as fishing gear, spare parts for marine engines, clothing and household goods. (Note the eggs, upper left.)

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Tabatinga market photo

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The market bustles with noise and color, with shoppers rushing around on daily errands, and the vendors looking out for prospective customers. A variety of smells assails your nostrils—exotic fruits and spices, smoke from open fires, diesel fumes and dead fish!

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