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The Great Egret (Casmerodius albus) is the largest of four egret species found in the Amazon. This species is distinguished from similar herons by its all-white plumage, size, yellow beak and black legs. They are generally solitary, but gather in flocks during the breeding season. This species occurs throughout the world. In the Old World (Europe, Africa, Asia) this species is called the Great White Egret.

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breeding egret

hunting egret


breeding egret photo

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The conspicuous plumes of this individual are breeding plumage. The birds nest on a platform of twigs up in trees. Breeding season is in the first half of the year.

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hunting egret photo

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Great egrets (and most herons) are ambush predators. They stand stock still or move very slowly, waiting for prey to wander by and then quick as a flash, dart out their long neck to catch the unsuspecting animal. Major items in their diet include fish, frogs and small reptiles.

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